A Black & White caterpillar transforming into a Gold & Silver butterfly is a beautiful metaphor to explain Zazzan.
As the caterpillar moves, the bands of colour seem to expand & contract. Imagine if these colours represented the Masculine & Feminine archetypes, constantly in flux, sometimes feeling positively expansive and other times negatively suppressed. Never realising they’re of One body. These changing states could be reflective of long time periods on Earth, one age worshiping a feminine deity another a masculine one, or it could be an individual theme countries are exploring, ‘fatherland’ Germany or ‘motherland’ Italy. Or then again they could represent the stream of mental changing thoughts, sometimes happy, sometimes sad.
The question really is how does all this get transformed into something refreshingly new, like Unity? not diminishing the experience of duality, its been great a ride, but now let’s upshift.
The caterpillar to butterfly example if extrapolated to humanity, will allow a clean slate. All the harms & injustices, memories, happiness or abuse, given up, transcended as irrelevant.
If Life shows us this transformation exists in nature why can it not exist for us Humans?
Zazzan suggests it does. And one way it can be observed is via the shifting of perception from Black & white (duality) to Gold & Silver (Unity) optics.
Staying with the Butterfly example: When the (mirror) silver butterfly looks at the gold one, it obviously beholds a golden butterfly. But, i suggest, when the Golden butterfly looks at the silver one, it also sees a gold hue due to perceiving its own reflection. Polarity still exists, but the result is Unity. Gold & Silver are metaphors for conjuncto, or source perceiving itself via oneness-X-reflection.
The One is the All, The All is the One.