Friday, October 18, 2024
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    Pause II

    Pause button
    The Zazzan breath brings me to a state of stillness and oneness. In the moment, present but separated from the drama swirling around me! I'm grateful for this magnificent gift! - Douglas - Little Rock, USA The purpose of PAUSE is to ignite a Unity ‘filament’ allowing One to reverberate with everything. By pausing the...
    Egyptian alchemy in New Zealand The chamber is a volumetric copper replica of an ancient sarcophagus found in the Great pyramid of Egypt. The chamber acts as a Bio-feedback and amplification device. Thoth (the architect of the pyramids), ascension chamber assists us to raise & align our core resonance from a separate identity of self to an inclusive one....

    Tabula Smaragdina

    emerald tablet
    The Emerald Tablet, also known as the Smaragdine Table, or Tabula Smaragdina, is a compact and cryptic piece of the Hermetica reputed to contain the secret of the prima materia and its transmutation. It was highly regarded by European alchemists as the foundation of their art and its Hermetic tradition. The original source of the Emerald Tablet is unknown....


    Zion Symbolism:  The image here denotes the correct spelling of ZION in symbolic form. Fire, the source of Light, depicted by 3 lines of a triangle, extrapolated into the letter ‘Z’. Water, created from Fire, by turning 90 degrees and X’ing (crossing) itself, creating pure reflection, the mirror of self awareness / consciousness. The 1 & 0, alpha and...


    Zazzan breathing is a ‘centerless’ technique, which supercharges the quantity of ‘prana’ or ‘life force’ energy entering the body in a calm and natural way, unlike holotropic or rebirthing it is not excessively forced. As such it can be enjoyed as living, daily breath, within any routine without special dispensation. Via practical instruction one is guided into ‘Pause’ or...

    Pisces meets Aquarius

    For 2160 years ​Pisces has been dreaming a World of Love through sorrow. whichever astrological sign one is aligned with, the Piscean filter is the vibe we all wiggle too during this segment of our great 26k year precessional wobble. Whether its a suicide bomber blowing himself and others up in the name of peace, a rich country starving...

    Zazzan Symbolism

    The Zazzan image above, is symbolised like ZION with Z & N bookends. Fire, the source of Light, depicted by 3 lines of a triangle, extrapolated into the letter ‘Z’. Water, created from Fire, by turning 90 degrees and X’ing (crossing) itself, creating pure reflection, the mirror of self awareness / consciousness. A & Z, represent the Alpha & Omega....
    Ayahuasca is like playing air hockey the plant creates angles in consciousness to penetrate ones defenses and reveal what's hidden.   Ayahuasca; The Good, Bad and Ugly -  and how to mitigate the last two of those experiences. I profess to know but two ways, the first is not to digest it in the first place. I mean is life not...


    A bridge is being remade to a part of ourselves long lost.  A wound that has imbued Humanity since its 3rd density inception, across infinite parallel Earth versions of itself, is coming home. The refraction that was beautifully created via this water based reality, deliberately skewed our reflection as "Self'. The liquid displacement birthed what we call 'Duality', a new...
    diet n destruction
    "Many of you consume animals out of vanity to improve your muscles so you can take pretty pictures.  There’s nothing wrong with that, but what I want you to know is if that  is the reason then it will lead to the destruction of much of your eco systems, not because there’s anything wrong with that but because that...