Zazzan Symbolism

Zazzan represents the Alpha & Omega. The Microcosm & Macrocosm


The Zazzan image above, is symbolised like ZION with Z & N bookends. Fire, the source of Light, depicted by 3 lines of a triangle, extrapolated into the letter ‘Z’. Water, created from Fire, by turning 90 degrees and X’ing (crossing) itself, creating pure reflection, the mirror of self awareness / consciousness.

A & Z, represent the Alpha & Omega. The Microcosm & Macrocosm, and ALL Polarities in stable prismatic ‘Triangular’ form. Every letter of ZAZZAN, is created from three Lines. The central AZ-ZA is actually only depicted correctly in the image above, write AZ on a piece of paper and place it in front of a mirror. You will notice the Z flips or reverses itself. AZ – and the reversed ZA, represent a star tetrahedron or merkaba. (AZ = 6 lines = tetrahedron or 3 sided pyramid) The central AZ-ZA (double triadic hexagram) symbolises pure; Balance, Harmony & Beauty, so above, so below, perceived consciously. Put another way, it symbolises the Polarity of; I & Other shifting to a new stabilised perspective of UNITY, or Trinity Bliss. Whereby I experience everything as i-SELF, which radically alters ones relationship to All natural & living things.  In Barbara Walker‘s The I Ching of the Goddess the symbol signifies  “By penetrating each other to the farthest boundary, god and Goddess formed between them the ancient Tantric symbol of the world and also the yoni: a diamond, flanked by four new triangles that were assimilated to the elements

ZION depicts the pattern of the perfectness of manifestation as consciousness. Z-AZZA-N goes a step further and invites you to embody that dimensional pattern as YOU.

zazzan 140 x 48px white

Previously ZAZZAN was portrayed in the colours of polarity: black & white, this was because the colours of Trinity: Gold & Silver ( see Gold & silver rays of Unity) were not embodied until the major conjunctions 2020 & 2022 happen.

This ‘birth’ and ‘heart’ of Zazzan is the central diamond, which is formed from the Vesica Piscis which multiplies out as the Seed & flower of life. As you can see from the imagery Zazzan letters are formed from this pattern.

There is so much more to this image and this page will constantly be updated.

Zazzan has NO religious or ideological affiliation. It symbolises an embodied state of Bliss & Union with ones-Self. It is NOT based on Theory but practical results that align a being with their unique expression of JOY. Zazzan is NOT the definition of Ones JOY, it is only one way to describe it.

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G the founder of Zazzan has been around various transcendental practices for two decades having had his curiosity sparked while working as an antiquities guide in Crete & Egypt during the early 90’s, in the 2000’s G delved deeper into the mystery and paradox of life, from Sufi whirling to Native American Sundance and much more, learning via direct participation in a variety of indigenous practices. Further time spent living in Egypt & Atlantis (aka Cuba) rekindled his interest in an ancient ‘resonance’ device located within the largest Egyptian pyramid. “I realised vibration was the source of time & space, the pulse of life. Our bodies are like musical instruments, tuned and interconnected to the ever present Now”. G found by keying our core frequency in particular ways participants can awaken innate gifts unto now dormant, such as; Inter-species communication, channeling, deja vu, synchronistic happenings, enhanced creativity, increased productivity, mood improvement & heightened awareness. Zazzan are pleased to announce they will be taking a copper replica of an ancient Egyptian acoustic chamber found in the Great Pyramid of Cheops around New Zealand, which will be available for sessions.

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