Christ, crossing and creation

christ sm1

christ s-1From my point of view, the image of Christ  symbolises the ‘crossing’ event

Please notice how the ‘cross’ is incomplete.

Just White light. Symbolising the source of all matter and creation. The great secret is revealed; polarity, alpha & omega arose from the same beginning. Life has not ‘happened’, it’s ‘happening’ and that’s what is being experienced, Now.
This further underpins the lore that Jesus desired everyone to become living Christ’s, not cross-carrying Christians.


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G the founder of Zazzan has been around various transcendental practices for two decades having had his curiosity sparked while working as an antiquities guide in Crete & Egypt during the early 90’s, in the 2000’s G delved deeper into the mystery and paradox of life, from Sufi whirling to Native American Sundance and much more, learning via direct participation in a variety of indigenous practices. Further time spent living in Egypt & Atlantis (aka Cuba) rekindled his interest in an ancient ‘resonance’ device located within the largest Egyptian pyramid. “I realised vibration was the source of time & space, the pulse of life. Our bodies are like musical instruments, tuned and interconnected to the ever present Now”. G found by keying our core frequency in particular ways participants can awaken innate gifts unto now dormant, such as; Inter-species communication, channeling, deja vu, synchronistic happenings, enhanced creativity, increased productivity, mood improvement & heightened awareness. Zazzan are pleased to announce they will be taking a copper replica of an ancient Egyptian acoustic chamber found in the Great Pyramid of Cheops around New Zealand, which will be available for sessions.

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